rsca is a command-line program which applies
sound changes
to sets of words. It is by no means the first such
sound change applier: this honor
(to my knowledge) goes to Mark Rosenfelder's
Among other sound change appliers,
rsca draws particular inspiration from
Sound Change Applier and Henrik Theiling's
schcompile, all of which are worth checking out.
There is also IPA Zounds
(which, as I learned after writing this one, supports running
in reverse but isn't so ostentatious about it, proving this
a reinvention of the wheel. Ah well). Nope, IPA Zounds' prerequisites
have succumbed to bitrot. But
looks good too.
So why yet another sound change applier? rsca's main selling point (and the feature from which it takes its name) is that it's reversible: not only can it apply sound changes, it can unapply them and reconstruct the set of all proto-words yielding a given word. I've also tried to make rsca fairly general in its sound-changing capabilities, and given it support for X-SAMPA and similar notations. (And, I'll admit, I partly did it for the chance to demonstrate my transducer approach...)
rsca is implemented in C++, and is currently in version 0.1. For the moment it can be obtained only as raw source (24K), which makes to yield an executable rsca. g++ and flex and bison are required.
Comments, questions, bug reports, feature requests (if you're feeling lucky...) to me at gmail with username 000024.
where sound change file is a file specifying the sound changes (of no mandated extension; but if you use one, it must be supplied) and the options are as follows.rsca [options] <sound change file>
output word [input word]
input word > output word ;a backwards wedge < will be used if running in reverse
In the following discussion, examples of text which could appear in a
sound change file are presented in fixed pitch font and
often appear blockquoted,
In compensation, it has flexible ideas of what constitutes a phone:
you're not restricted to single characters.
In particular, rsca handles
and its derivates such as
This flexibility is provided by modifier character definitions.
Each definition is a line of the form
Thus, for example, the modifier character definitions for
X-SAMPA could look like
I haven't been able to provide a mod20, to support the
CXS and Z-SAMPA ) for affricates and
coarticulates (as in ts)). You'll have to use
the tiebar _ (t_s),
or perhaps a 02 modifier (maybe {ts or something;
( and ) have other functions anyway).
The characters []()+*/| have special meanings to
rsca, as does the double underscore __.
All other characters, and single _,
should be safe to use as or within phones.
For example, you might define
categories for some voiceless and voiced stops and fricatives by
Sound changes are applied to words in the order
they're listed in the sound change file, from top to bottom.
The environment env contains a blank __, representing
the part that changes. Note that the blank consists of
two underscores, diverging from the standard choice of
one (since a single underscore is a frequent X-SAMPA modifier
character). A few examples:
0 is interpreted as zero (the empty string),
and # represents a word boundary. So
As a general principle to keep in mind, instead of writing a change
in which before and after share common material,
it's often better to move this material to the environment.
So the version of "h is lost between as"
given above is preferable to
You can name two or more categories separated by whitespace
between the brackets; this gives you the intersection of
all the categories named, i.e. the set of all sounds in all
of the categories. So if you set up definitions like
When categories appear in after, there isn't quite
the flexibility described above. There you can only use
a single, noncomplemented, category name, or nothing (in
which case the sound is not changed). If you use a category
name, it is taken to correspond to the first category
named in before (which had itself better not be complemented).
So, to change voiceless stops to voiced, you need to write
It's worth mentioning a few more tricks to do with categories.
Firstly, for many-to-one changes, you can repeat entries in
a category:
As a final aside, through these categories rsca
provides half-hearted support for
distinctive features, in the fashion suggested by
calling the two categories above -voice and +voice.
But this certainly isn't full-hearted support: that would
at least entail a friendlier way to define features, and a smarter
strategy for changing the value of a feature (in particular
one that can change multiple features at once).
Any usage of a category can reference any other
usage of a category. This reference is established by
placing a number before the other category usage
(we call it the labelled category), and
placing the same number preceded by a hash #
before the referencing category.
For example, if a sound change contains
[3 stop] and [#3 fric],
then the first matches a stop and the second only matches
the corresponding fricative. If you leave out a category
name in the reference, it matches the same sound:
so [1 vowel ^^@] and [#1] match a vowel
other than @ and a second instance of that same vowel.
These category references are quite powerful for stating many
kinds of sound changes for which the simpler tools above
don't quite suffice.
Among these are assimilations:
A few more assorted examples:
If a category usage is not given a numeric label or reference,
and it occurs in before or after, it behaves just
as if it bore the label 0 or reference #0, respectively
(this is how categories in before and after
are made to match up by default).
Some points on (it pains me to say...) restrictions on labels
and references should be noted, since rsca generates a particularly
wide variety of errors concerning them.
rsca understandably doesn't permit you to use a reference
when there are two categories labelled with that number:
so for instance, you can't put [1 stop], [1 fric],
and [#1] in the same sound change.
Much more arbitrarily, you can't use two references with the
same number either: so using [1 stop], [#1 fric],
[#1] together is out. Even though I haven't yet
thought of a sound change which requires multiple references to
state, this is still an arbitrary restriction, and you can
expect it to be lifted in a future version of rsca.
Categories with labels cannot occur in after. Aside from
this, these labels and references may appear anywhere,
subject to restrictions which only gain force when we add
regular expressions to the mix.
Regular expressions are built up from smaller regular expressions
using these operators. Here X and Y are smaller
regular expressions, which may be single sounds.
Regular expressions may be used in env only.
These operators are key to a lot of rsca's expressivity.
Some examples:
We can finally explicate the danger alluded to
above regarding references and labels
in regular expressions.
What's ruled out are the sort of things typified by
Some examples:
You can use parallelized changes to swap two classes of sound
without an intermediary:
The valid options are as follows. I haven't introduced enough
material to present some of them yet; they're presented here,
but discussion of their function is postponed to a more appropriate place.
rsca is completely deterministic and never does any randomization,
so if you want the sporadic change to apply some random portion
of the time, you'll have to select from between the various
outputs yourself for each word.
If a word which matches, or violates, the constraint,
comes up during derivation, rsca will spill forth a warning,
and the word will not be processed any further; the eventual
output will be an empty line (unless there were other possibilities
from a sporadic change). The warning can be suppressed
with the -q command line option.
Constraints really come into their own when rsca is used in reverse.
They're still useful in forward derivation, though, to make sure that
assumptions you've made about the changing phonotactics
at some point in the sequence of changes really do hold true.
Some examples:
The options discussed above
apply equally well to constraints, although many of them
are unuseful (like sporadic; a sporadic constraint
has absolutely no effect).
Constraints can also be parallelized. This doesn't do anything
that putting them in sequence wouldn't, but does allow you to,
for instance, give the set of constraints a unitary name: so
When rsca reports an error, it will say
On the other hand, there are probably
more bugs lurking in my transducer code than in any
regexp library... and I shudder to even think of trying
to seriously optimise my transducer code, so you can expect
rsca to be slower than the alternative.
This implementation has a few consequences for the way rsca's
sound changes behave:
Some changes are natural to write assuming directionality,
but they can be rewritten moving the directionality to the environment.
For instance, suppose a mutates to e when
the next vowel is front, and this propagates leftward.
With right-to-left directionality, you could write this
Some changes have worse problems with this non-directionality;
they are the subject of the next section.
A typical change that could earn this warning is
There are a couple things you can do to get your change through.
One is to rewrite the change to move common material from
before and after into env. This,
for instance, is the right thing to do with the conflict-producing
If you can't do this, you can get a second opinion on the conflict
by using the option [flip-conflicts.
This causes rsca to look at the change right-to-left instead
of left-to-right when compiling it into a transducer.
It has no effect on the behaviour of the change when it succeeds.
[flip-conflicts is most likely to work when there's
context on the right of the blank in env; an example for which it
succeeds is
If this doesn't work, the last resort is to use the option
[ignore-conflicts. This, as you might have guessed,
instructs rsca just to ignore its misgivings and plunge
ahead with the change. The catch: when
[ignore-conflicts is used, rsca's behaviour on
that sound change is undefined.
That is, rsca will do whatever it likes with the change,
especially with the overlapping cases.
You can generally expect it to do something sensible with the
normal non-overlapping cases, but even this can't be relied upon
(it seems, for instance, to be fond of simply ignoring parallelized
changes that would otherwise raise a conflict).
rsca's behaviour will at least be the same between multiple
uses of the same change: so if you try it out and it seems to do what you
expect, it's probably safe to use.
This is more evidence for something I've
already hinted at above with sporadic changes and constraints
(and nondeterminism), so I'll come clean: in either forward or
reverse operation, rsca actually maintains a set
of all words that the input word could have become (or come from) at the
current point in the sound changes. This set may have one member,
or a few, or a great many, or none. In forward operation,
this isn't very noticeable, because sound changes generally
have exactly one possible output for each input. In reverse
operation, though, it becomes a lot more prominent:
any given word can easily have many ancestors, or none,
under a given sound change.
Combine that effect with any reasonably sized list of sound
changes, and you'll soon run into quite a huge explosion of
possible reconstructed forms, most of them quite ridiculous.
For instance, running
the rsca translation of
Mark Rosenfelder's
Latin to Portuguese example in reverse on the Portuguese
distrito gives a list of 1120 possible
"Latin" etyma:
This problem can be made much more manageable by means of
some well-placed constraints in
your sound change file, to rule out the reconstructed words
which violate the phonotactics of the language at any
point during the changes. It's advisable to place these constraints
as late as possible in the file, so that the bad candidates are
removed as early as possible in reconstruction. For example,
I've introduced three choice constraints (which are commented out),
all rather narrow in scope, into the above sound change file:
at the beginning, to rule out Latin final ms;
just before the first deletion of intervocalic material,
which isn't really right since Latin had ii sequences,
but it'll do for the example; and
just before the change which deletes is, 'cause
iii is just silly.
These reduce the 1120 reconstructed forms to just 72
(distericto disterictom disterictos disterictu disterictum ...
divistriviptus), all of them looking rather more Latinate,
and districtus is easy to pick out among them.
Since constraints are intended to be used heavily for this
sort of pruning, the warning about words failing
constraints is suppressed when running rsca in reverse.
rsca can offer a particularly strong guarantee on the correctness of
the words it reconstructs, with respect to forward application
of the sound changes. That is, if rsca is given a word in
reconstruction mode and returns a set of ancestors,
and then rsca is turned around and run in forward mode, every
one of these ancestor words will yield the original word
as output, and no other words will. Big deal, I hear you say,
that's only to be expected... but this is actually another
benefit of using transducers, I say, gloating over the fact that
this doesn't seem anywhere near so easy to achieve with regular
expressions :-)
Actually, there are two exceptions
to the correctness of reversibility. (Everything else should be fine,
even changes with [ignore-conflicts.)
Firstly, some changes
can altogether not be reversed. These are the changes which
transform an infinite set of sounds into the same thing, for instance
The other exception is provided by deletion.
A sound change like
Be careful with large values of the undelete parameter: they can lead
very easily to explosions, especially if the deletion is unconditional.
Sound change files
A sound change file consists of three components:
Interspersed anywhere among these may be lines of the following forms:
Whitespace (tabs and spaces) is critical in the definition of
sound changes, but aside from this rsca is fairly lenient about this .
In such displays, anything in roman text
(like) is a sequence of characters to appear literally
in the file, while anything in italic text (this)
is a placeholder, to be substituted as appropriate.
Modifier characters, or how to write phones
rsca is limited to an eight-bit character set. It does not natively
support any encoding of Unicode, although you could hack UTF-8
by converting each character you use to an appropriate seven-bit
representation at the beginning and back at the end, or by defining
all bytes in the range 0x80–0xbf to be mod10.
modmn character list;
where mn is a pair of digits, either
01, 10, 02, or 11, and
character list is a list of characters.
This defines each character in character list
to be a modifier character which combines the
m phones on its left and the
n on its right into a single new phone.
(I'll tend to use phone in this document when concentrating
on a phone's textual representation, and sound at other times;
this is indefensible from a linguistic point of view, but it's
still a nice distinction to make.)
This means that \ and ` and ~ and
= and : can be attached to the end of any phone,
yielding a new phone (so that K\ and t` and
r\= and 3`:~ are all single phones), and that
_ goes between two phones to yield a new one
(so that t_h and J\_t_?\ are also single phones).
mod10 \`~=:
mod11 _
Sound categories
Sound category definitions have the form
category name = sound list
This defines a category named category name, containing all
of the sounds in sound list. Sound category names are
unrestricted, but names which contain whitespace or start with
a caret ^ or consist entirely of digits won't work very well.
You could also do this instead:
vlstop = ptk
vdstop = bdg
vlfric = fsx
vdfric = vzG
and then use the techniques of
referencing categories to get
"voiceless fricative" and such.
vl = ptkfsx
vd = bdgvzG
stop = ptkbdg
fric = fsxvzG
Sound changes
rsca supports a fair number of extensions to your basic sound change.
I'll go through all of these in this section, starting with the
simplest form.Basic changes
At its simplest, a sound change looks like
before after env
and means "before becomes after in the environment
env". The whitespace here is critical: before,
after, and env are delimited by whitespace, so
they themselves must not contain any (except when it's
otherwise called for).s S __i
expresses "s changes to S before i", and
kw k_w __
"kw changes to k_w unconditionally".h 0 a__a
"h is lost between as"
d t __#
"d becomes t word-finally"
0 j #__i
"j is epenthesised before a word-initial i".aha aa __ .
Sound categories
The sound categories defined above
can be employed in a sound change. The simplest employment consists of
a category name, enclosed in brackets [ ]
(like in featural notation);
this matches any single sound contained in the category.
If you use a category reference in the after
part and one in the before part, then each phone
in before changes to the corresponding one in
after, in the order they were listed in the definition.
So, if you have defined
stop = ptkbdg
fric = fsxvzG
[stop] [fric] [vowel]__[vowel]
means "stops become (corresponding) fricatives intervocalically".
Further examples (with appropriate definitions):
[unaspir]h [aspir] __
"unaspirated stops fuse with a following h to become
aspirated stops"
[stop] 0 __#
"stops are lost word-finally".
[vl stop] will give you a voiceless stop.
If you precede a category name by a caret ^, the category
is complemented, i.e. you get everything not in the
category: so [^stop] is any non-stop, and
[vd ^stop] is a voiced non-stop. You can use
two carets to exclude a specific sound:
[^^@] is anything but @, [stop ^^t ^^d]
is a stop other than t or d. (If you want the union of
categories, or to include single sounds, you'll be needing
the regular expression character |.)
An empty set of brackets [] matches any sound (but not
a word boundary #).
vl = ptkfsx
vd = bdgvzG
stop = ptkbdg
fric = fsxvzG
[vl stop] [vd] __
and not
[stop vl] [vd] __ .
Unfortunately, in this version of rsca,
the upper limit of one category name in after prevents you
from changing, say, voiceless stops to voiced fricatives in
one fell swoop, if you set up the categories this way.
raises vowels before n, leaving already high ones alone.
Secondly, if you want, say, a voiceless and a voiced category that
you can both convert between and reference independently,
but some voiced sounds don't have voiceless
counterparts (or vice versa), you can use some fake sound to pad
out the categories appropriately, for instance
vowel = aeiou
raised-vowel = oiiuu
[vowel] [raised-vowel] __n
vl = ptkfsx$$$$$$$$$$$$
vd = bdgvzGmnNrljwieaou
Matching categories
The distinction laid out in the discussion above between
categories used in after and categories used
elsewhere is actually more general.
renders "nasals assimilate to following stops" (which may
take a bit of thought to see). Again,
stop = ptkbdg
nasal = mnNmnN
[nasal] [#1 nasal] __[1 stop]
? [#1] [1 stop]__
"glottal stops assimilate completely to a preceding stop".[1 vowel][2 liquid] [#2][#1] __
"liquids metathesise with preceding vowels"
0 [#1] [vowel]__[1 vl stop][vowel]
"voiceless stops geminate between vowels"
[#1] 0 __[1 cons]
"all geminate consonants simplify"
0 i #__[1 cons][#1]
"i is inserted before initial geminates"
[1 vowel][vowel] [#1 long] __
"two consective vowels coalesce into a long version of the first".
Regular expressions
rsca supports a simple set of regular expressions (and I had to
work for these regular expressions! not like some
sound change appliers, who get them for free just for
using Perl or Python... :-) ). If you're familiar with regular
expressions, you may wish to skip ahead after reading that
rsca supports the operators | * + / () and catenation,
where / is a nonstandard name for the more usual ?
(since ? is so useful for glottal stop).
These are listed from lowest to highest precedence. Parentheses
( ) may be used to override the precedence, so that
for instance ([stop]|[nasal])* matches zero or more
stops or nasals.[vowel] [long-vowel] __[vd fric]|r
"vowels lengthen before a voiced fricative or r"
a e __[^vowel]*[front]
"a mutates to e when the next vowel is front",
i.e. "...after zero or more nonvowels and then a front vowel"
u o __[cons]+#
"u becomes o in a final closed syllable",
i.e. "...after one or more consonants and then the end of the word"
[vowel] [nasal-vowel] __[glide]/[nasal]
"vowels nasalize before a nasal, preceded by an optional glide"
and if syllable breaks . have been inserted
in the appropriate spots,
[vowel] [stressed-vowel] #[^^.]*__
"vowels in the initial syllable receive stress", i.e. "vowels such
that there are no syllable breaks between the start of the word and here..."
? [#1] __[1 stop]/
? [#1] __[1 stop]+
in which there might not be a sound matched by the labelled
category to reference, or there might be more than one.
Less defensibly (again), rsca also rules out
cases where it's the reference, not the labelled category,
in this situation.
If you violate these restrictions, rsca will issue the error message
group n couldn't be joined
where n is the label of the transgressing categories.
Changes with multiple blanks
Sound changes in rsca allow for multiple changing parts which
are separated by arbitrary non-changing material. Such changes still
have the familiar form
before after env ;
now, however, the blank __ will appear multiple times in
env, and before and after will be divided
into the same number of pieces with two pipes || between
each piece. So a two-blank change will look like
env0__env1__env2 .
Changes with multiple blanks are useful where you might otherwise
wish to write a change which has a regular expression in
before and after; it's often the case that
these parts don't change, and this allows you to move them to
the environment instead.[glide]||0 0||[] __[cons ^glide]+__[vowel]
"glides metathesise across one or more non-glide consonants before a vowel"
'||[vowel] 0||[stressed-vowel] __[cons]*__
"syllables preceded by a stress mark ' lose the stress mark,
and their vowel becomes stressed".
Parallelized changes
rsca allows multiple sound changes to take place at the same time, instead
of any one occuring before or after another; such changes are said
to be parallelized.
A set of parallelized changes looks like
with a double virgule // after every change but
the last.
before1 after1 env1 //
before2 after2 env2 //
... etc ...
beforeN afterN envN
"low tone and high tone are swapped".
[high-tone] [low-tone] __ //
[low-tone] [high-tone] __
It's also useful, for instance, for stating push chains
in their natural order (this example is due to Benct Philip Jonsson,
and assumes the length mark : is treated as a separate phone):
"a: is rounded and raised to o:,
o: is raised to u:,
u of any length is fronted to y".
a: o: __ //
o: u: __ //
u y __
Sound change options
Before each sound change or parallel group of sound changes, you can
specify a number of options. Each option is placed
on a separate line of the form
keyword (argument) ,
preceding the statement of the change; not every kind of option takes
an argument. The option keywords are recognizable because they all
begin with a bracket [ (and don't end with a matching
]). All of these options, of course, are optional.
[name string
Defines the name of this change to be string. The name
is used in tracing if the
-d command line option
is enabled, and to report constraint violations.
Makes this a sporadic sound change. Whenever a sporadic
sound change would apply to a word,
rsca applies the change, and then carries both
the changed word and the unchanged word throughout the entire
remainder of the set of sound changes, presenting both
their outcomes to you at the end (unless a later change
makes the words fall together again).
If the change would
apply in multiple (say n) places, rsca makes each
choice independently and gives you all 2n
(or however many) outputs.[undelete number
is only relevant when running
sound changes in reverse.
are useful for resolving
conflicts in determinization.
Finally, rsca understands one type of "sound change" that
doesn't specify a change at all, namely constraints.
A constraint looks like
* constraint
and has the meaning that no word may appear at that
point in the derivation of which some part matches
constraint. The constraint may contain
any of the earlier-discussed constructs which could occur
in the environment env of a normal sound change.* u
"u is not a valid phone"
* [cons][cons][cons][cons]
"four consonants in a row cannot occur"
* [ejective][]*[ejective]
"more than one ejective cannot appear in a word"
* [short][vd obst][cons]*(.|#)
"vowels before a coda voiced obstruent cannot be short" (assuming
syllable breaks . are present).
is a possible statement of total front-back vowel harmony.
It's not legal to join a constraint to a sound change with //.
[name vowel harmony
* [front][]*[back] //
* [back][]*[front]
Other topics
Frustratingly, rsca has very limited patience: if it detects
something it doesn't like in a sound change file, it will
issue an error message and give up then and there, without
even trying to process subsequent lines of the file.file:line:
error message ,
meaning that the error was discovered on line line of
file file. I like to think that the error messages
are relatively clear and understandable
(well, except for the annoyingly vague parse error),
so I haven't gone through them here.
A few of them are discussed elsewhere:
rsca's implementation of sound changes
rsca implements sound changes by converting them to
state transducers. This is quite an appropriate,
indeed I'd say the appropriate, model for sound changes.
Many sound change appliers are implemented with regular expressions,
which, somewhere far behind the scenes, get converted to
state automata; but what we really want are finite state
automata with the capability to output, and these are exactly
finite state transducers. The nondeterminism lets us go backwards
and do constraints and sporadic changes and other nice stuff.
a e __[^vowel]*[front] ;
but, for our purposes, we think of this as a mutating
to e when the next vowel other than a
is front, and write
a e __([^vowel]|a)*[front] .
[stop voiced] [fric] [vowel]__[vowel]
to abadaga, you'll get avaDaGa, exactly as you expect.
Conflicts in determinization
Occasionally, rsca will reject a sound change, saying
conflict in determinisation (sound change may have
ambiguous cases) .
These conflicts are perhaps the downside of insisting that
sound changes happen everywhere at once.
rsca signals a conflict when it thinks a change could apply in
two overlapping places, and is unsure what should happen when this
overlap occurs. Conflicts can also be generated when the same
sound is affected by two parallel rules, when rsca is equally
unsure what to do.
A conflict can, however, mean that rsca is just too stupid
to figure out that there's no possibility of any strange behaviour.
aa a: __
(suppose for the following discussion that a: is one phone).
What, then, should be done if a word happens to contain
aaa? Left to right would suggest a:a, right to
left aa:; but then there are two instances of aa,
so maybe we should cough up two a:a:s; and one a:
doesn't look that bad either...
ii i __ ,
which goes down fine if rewritten as
i 0 __i
(or the same with the i before the blank).tt ss __i .
Going in reverse
At last, we come to (one of) the raison(s) d'être of rsca:
applying sound changes in reverse, to reconstruct all
possible proto-words which yield a given word. rsca is kicked
into reverse by supplying it with the
-r command line option.
When operating in reverse, it takes the sound changes specified
in the sound changes file and unapplies them in turn, from
bottom to top of the sound change file (as you'd expect).
It outputs all the words it finds on a single line,
separated by single spaces, or a blank line if it finds that
the input word is impossible to generate.
diiistericto diiisterictom diiisterictoms diiisterictos diiisterictu diiisterictum diiisterictums diiisterictus diiisteriicto diiisteriictom diiisteriictoms diiisteriictos diiisteriictu diiisteriictum diiisteriictums diiisteriictus diiisteriiipto diiisteriiiptom diiisteriiiptoms diiisteriiiptos ... (1080 skipped) ...
divivistriviiptu divivistriviiptum divivistriviiptums divivistriviiptus divivistrivipto divivistriviptom divivistriviptoms divivistriviptos divivistriviptu divivistriviptum divivistriviptums divivistriviptus divivistrivivipto divivistriviviptom divivistriviviptoms divivistriviviptos divivistriviviptu divivistriviviptum divivistriviviptums divivistriviviptus
* ms#
* ii
* iii
[^vowel] 0 __#
intended to delete non-vowels at the end of the word.
The problem with these is that there's an infinite set of
ancestors for any given word: any phone that's not a vowel
can be inserted at the end of the word, and there are infinitely
many such phones (rsca believes this even if you didn't define
any modifier characters). rsca will refuse to run in reverse
if such changes are present, giving the error message
change cannot be reversed .
The solution, of course, is to restate the change using
a finite set (defining a new category if you have to).
For instance, the above is fixed by defining a consonant category
[cons] 0 __# .
h 0 __
is perfectly innocuous in the forward direction, but in the reverse
direction it again yields infinite sets of ancestors. Even a
reflex like a could be the outcome of a or
ha or hha or hhha or hhhha or ...,
to say nothing of hah and hhhahhhhhhhh and the rest.
To cope with this, rsca assigns to each sound change a parameter
giving the maximal number of times it's allowed to undelete
material at any one point, when applying the change in reverse.
This parameter defaults to 1, but can be set to anything other
nonnegative integer for a specific change, using the
[undelete option. Thus, given the above change, rsca
will reconstruct a to
a ah ha hah ;
would give you back
[undelete 3
h 0 __
a ah ahh ahhh ha hah hahh hahhh hha hhah hhahh hhahhh
hhha hhhah hhhahh hhhahhh ,
would simply return a.
[undelete 0
h 0 __
Just for fun, and maybe as a taste of future versions,
here's a list of some additional features, in rough
order from simplest and sanest to most complicated and outlandish,
that I've considered or dreamt about adding to rsca in the future...